Fall Bucket List

Fall activities are probably my favorite things to do! I wait all year to wear cozy sweaters, break out the boots, and hit up a pumpkin patch ๐ŸŽƒ Today, I’m sharing my top 20 things I want to do this fall in Kentucky.

Go to a Pumpkin Patch

Carve Pumpkins with Friends

Watch the Horses Race at Keeneland

Tailgate before a Football Game

Eat Apple Cider Doughnuts

Make more Crockpot Meals

Decorate the Porch for Fall

Take a Long, Scenic Fall Drive

Bake Pumpkin Bread

Go through a Corn Maze

Find the Perfect Fall Candle to Burn

Try a New Fall Coffee Drink

Dress up in a Couples Costume with my Boyfriend

Watch Halloweentown

Go Apple Picking

Eat Brunch at The Kentucky Castle

Make Homemade Soup

Go to a Fall Farmers Market

Try a Fall Cocktail

Roast Pumpkin Seeds

What is something you want to do this fall? Let me know in the comments or on my Instagram! Happy Fall Y’all ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ‚